Orientações topo da The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled?
Orientações topo da The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled?
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Are these the final days before Christ’s return? They may well be—but even if they aren’t, our calling is to be faithful to Christ, no matter what happens. Is this your goal?
End Times Significance: Daniel’s visions in chapters 7-12 are some of the most influential eschatological texts, speaking of future kingdoms, the rise of the "Ancient of Days", judgment of nations, and the resurrection of the dead.
Persecution of Christians continues to occur around the world. In fact, there have been more martyrs to Christianity in the past century than in the previous 1800 years combined. Examples of persecution of Christians include the following
If we are going to take the words of Jesus seriously, then you have to be on guard because false prophets will arise and indeed have already arisen. Like it or not they are here, and they will not be going away any time soon.
“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars…Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”
Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.
Note: I added in the The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? text of the referenced Bible verses for each prophecy that show the prophecy clearly as well as some additional comments.
Many today look at the world around us, see the headlines, and wonder if we are living in the end times. One way or another, we’re getting closer, but we should carefully explore the words of Jesus and how events today might fit his teaching. Let's look at seven events that will be signs of the end times and last days of earth.
Without this armor we will be defeated by the devil and his army, but our battle is mostly defensive — we are not to be out searching for Satan and mounting an attack, but just to stand our ground. “The armor is to put a stop to the power of demonic agenda over us .
The idea of other realms and spiritual beings and cosmic war may be so “far out” as to be unbelievable, but the real facts are part of God’s word.
Do you think we might be living in the last days, and that the end of the world is coming soon? I've heard that the Bible teaches evil will grow stronger toward the end, and I can't help but wonder if we're living in those days. A:
Visit the Bible online to search for words if you don’t know the specific passage your’re looking for. Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
COVID was a master course in that. It seems likely that most of those born after 1990 are so overwhelmed by info (especially spurious info) that they have given up seeking truth, and have become malleable fodder for manipulation by governments and activist social groups. I can almost hear the laughter in Hell.